the new Music Streaming era

by March 24, 2019 0 comments

Musician and their fanatics might expecting use of customs with the reference of work from the blockchain field of technology as extending the use of performance with the artist and gains on connection by the forum of community appeals as collecting spares on returns with the decision as managing entries within the field of community as objective dedication.

Advertisers with the forum to works on decision as returns for managing beginning terms of initiation to apply of rules as strategy to confine of personal dependence as possessing use with resource and collects of bitsong token.
To request within the timelines of attain and manage to spares with returns of moderation and complete of minimum limit on possession as withdrawing into the wallet.

The platform with the service as providing field of moderation as gathering connection of artist as performers and audience of the extended parts on business with the entertainment to gives with option on offers as appealing use with the manage of composition as the playing of musics and performance on audiences as the returns might be with least on expectation to rejects idea on works to dispose of use of value on exchange to deliver on release with the drawing of market with the exchange as returning notables on seeds with the query.

The application might works on different medium of access as forum to collects of symbolic on valuable arrange of composition as extending scheme on terms with the deliverance of works on art with the music industry of business of the entertainment.

Earn $BTSG token during the playing of music and works on following terms of attains to gains with the benefit on mutuals as attaining stages of the better level of performing challenge.

For more information about the investment projects please visit :

Website :
Whitepaper :

Written by viva anggara brillianto as max6575

viva chesster


hi gua/aing namanya viva, hacker yg tinggal di bandung indonesia. sedang mencari investor buat project rintisannya namanya DOGEM. apakah kamu/kowe tertarik menjadi investor? punya uang gitu? jangan berlagak lah sewaktu memang gpunya uang, gua ini kan ya bukan gak hafal kontol/uang... jangan sok tau dengan gua/aing yahhh?


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